Posts made in January 2019

Making Your Church Comfortable for Children

religious supplies minnesotaSome parents have trouble going to church because it is a complicated experience for their children. Here are three simple ways you can make your church comfortable for children and parents:

  • Add Changing Stations – It is vital that you add changing stations in all the restrooms in your church. If you are a parent who wants to expose your child to church, you want to be able to keep them comfortable at all times. No one likes changing a diaper in the car or letting it ride until service is over. Additionally, it is nice to make sure they are located in private areas.
  • Offer Safe Spaces for Families – Going to church for the first time can be unusual for some children. Make sure that they are welcome in safe areas with trusted staff who can handle children in all environments. Additionally, provide parents with space where they can quickly drop off their children without a lot of dramatics.
  • Build Comfortable Cry Rooms – If you are putting a room for children in the back of your church, you should do your best to make it comfortable for all parties involved. This means adding comfortable seating, as well as air conditioning and heating, to ensure parents want to return.

The team at HJ Boerboom & Associates is here to help you make your church better. Our business provides quality religious supplies in Minnesota for your church, including altar wine, clergy apparel, and candles.

Three Reasons to Remodel Your Church

Religious SuppliesRevitalize your church with help from the dedicated team at our business. We have put together a list of reasons why you should consider remodeling your church:

  • Built in the 70s or 80s – Let’s admit it – we made some pretty odd design choices when building in the 70s and 80s. Drop ceilings and shag carpeting may have seemed great then, but it looks terrible now. If your church has any old design elements like that, you should remodel it.
  • Old Décor – It is vital that you keep up with your church décor. Items like statues, paintings, and linens are an essential part of your service, so you should make sure that they look nice at all times. Purchasing new décor is an easy way to improve the experience of your parishioners.
  • Deteriorating Interiors – Has your church’s interior seen better days? If the carpet is peeling, the pews are shaking, and the wallpaper is coming down, then you should consider remodeling your church. The new interior will ensure that your visitors feel comfortable while worshiping.

Invest in your church with religious supplies from HJ Boerboom & Associates. We offer a wide array of items for churches in Minneapolis and the surrounding areas.

New Year’s Resolutions for Your Church

Religious Supplies2019 is here, and it’s time to start making resolutions. We have put together a few recommendations that you may consider for your church:

  • Improve Efficiency – A church may not be a business, but it is vital that you do away with processes that do not work for your church. Take a look at your day-to-day operations and make sure that you are not wasting any time and effort on administrative tasks to help you save both time and money.
  • Speak with Your Parishioners – Do you know what your parishioners are looking for in a church? If it has been a while since you last spoke to the people at your church about their religious needs, you should spend a little time taking on this project. It will make everyone a lot happier.
  • Find New Ways to Give Back – If you know your church is running smoothly and most parishioners are satisfied, reach out to your neighborhood. You can have members of your congregation do minor services for people in need, as well as hold food drives and events that welcome new people to your church.

Make sure your church is in great shape when you work with the team at HJ Boerboom & Associates. Our business is proud to provide quality religious supplies for your church in Minnesota.